Hollanda Fairfoods was established in 2014 by Thijs Boer inspired by his MSc Research in Development Economics in Rwanda.
Hollanda Fairfoods processes potatoes sourced from Rwandan smallholder farmers into high-quality potato crisps sold under the brand Winnaz. Winnaz stands for Winners and is sold all over Rwanda, Uganda, Goma (DRC), Bukavu (DRC), Kenya, and Burundi.
A key pillar in our doing business is to improve the yield and quality of Rwandan smallholder farmers. Our dedicated team of agronomists visits them during the crop cycle and regularly give the farmers advice, follow-ups, and training. Farmers who work with us get access to a premium market and weekly advice on improved ways of growing potatoes to have high-quality yields.
We started by selling around 200 bags of crisps per week (with massive effort) but currently, Winnaz is no longer a stranger on countless supermarket shelves!